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The nation’s oldest, largest, and most successful voter education project ...
National Student/Parent Mock Election History
"For twenty (four) years, the National Student/Parent Mock Election has been reaching out to millions of Americans and involving them in simulations of the electoral process. In doing so, they have enhanced citizen interest and fostered a greater sense of appreciation for America's democratic past, present and future."
Governor Mike Johanns, Nebraska
The National Student/Parent Mock Election began as part of another project, the NBC Parent Participation TV Workshop, which sought to use television dramas to open communication between parents and children. We soon discovered that the elections were a huge national drama that could enable parents and children to talk with - and not at - each other.
The first National Student/Parent Mock Election, in 1980, was run as part of the Parent Participation TV Workshop Project. In 1982, the National Student/Parent Mock Election was spun off as a separate nonprofit, nonpartisan organization devoted to voter education.
In 1982, one quarter million participated, in 1994, 2 million, in 1988 3.5 million, in 1992 5 million. In 1996 and 2000, a combined total of 10 million votes were cast. The largest number of Internet votes (over one million) cast in history was cast in the 2000 Mock Election. In 2020, over 60% of the votes were cast online.
"This event is a unique opportunity to provide information and educate students and their parents about the duties of citizenship and the voting process."
Gray Davis, Former Governor of California