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National Student/Parent Mock Election Goal
"The research is clear - getting young people involved in the local and national political process as they come to citizenship age is a vital aspect of engaging them as empowered participants in the political process. The National Student/Parent Mock Election is an organization that is committed to that goal and has a long history of energizing local connections that facilitate participation."
Professor Anne Hildreth, State University at Albany, SUNY
The National Student/Parent Mock Election seeks to turn the sense of powerlessness that keeps young Americans and their parents, too, from going to the polls into a sense of the power of participation in our democracy. Note that it is this same sense of powerlessness, psychologists tell us, that is the root cause of violence. One of the most important ways to increase students' sense of significance - and power - is to use the Mock Election to take them out of the classroom and into the real world.
"The National Student/Parent Mock Election. . . played an important role in fostering greater participation across the country. Their approaches might usefully be studied and their techniques duplicated in other nations around the world."
The International Foundation for Election Systems
The National Student/Parent Mock Election is " a unique position to help foster creative and effective government around the world."
Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government