Register to vote, and teach a new generation the basic principles and workings of democracy! REGISTER NOW
The nation’s oldest, largest, and most successful voter education project...
Instituto de Formación Democrática Mission
"The research is clear - getting young people involved in the local and national political process as they come to citizenship age is a vital aspect of engaging them as empowered participants in the political process. The National Student/Parent Mock Election is an organization that is committed to that goal and has a long history of energizing local connections that facilitate participation."
Professor Anne Hildreth, State University at Albany, SUNY
Our mission is to motivate and educate our youth on democratic processes and the power of a vote in the electoral system. These objectives are attained through conferences, seminars, and Mock Elections for students, parents, and teachers, who learn how to make informed and intelligent decisions during an election.
"The National Student/Parent Mock Election. . . played an important role in fostering greater participation across the country. Their approaches might usefully be studied and their techniques duplicated in other nations around the world."
The International Foundation for Election Systems
The National Student/Parent Mock Election is " a unique position to help foster creative and effective government around the world."
Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government