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Lecture Hall Tutor


Thank you, Coordinators!

Your volunteer help is essential to the entire process of the National Student/Parent Mock Election! Please find useful guides, information, and downloads below:


Coordinators Handbook - Section 1

Coordinators Handbook - Section 2


Click the arrow to download in the following list:


I Voted Stickers

National Parent/Student Mock Election Banner

National Parent/Student Mock Election Circle Logo


Visit the National Student/Parent Mock Election Facebook page at:

Coordinators Handbook - Section 1

Your volunteer Coordinators Handbook - Section 1 guide, essential to information help in the entire process of the National Student/Parent Mock Election.

Coordinators Handbook - Section 2

Your volunteer Coordinators Handbook - Section 2 guide, essential to information help in the entire process of the National Student/Parent Mock Election.

I Voted Stickers

Your I Voted Stickers, essential to help in the entire process of the National Student/Parent Mock Election.

National Parent/Student Mock Election Banner

Your National Parent/Student Mock Election Banner, essential to help in the entire process of the National Student/Parent Mock Election.

National Parent/Student Mock Election Circle Logo

Your National Parent/Student Mock Election Circle Logo, essential to help in the entire process of the National Student/Parent Mock Election.

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